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Natural . Nurture . Nourish . Next to Us.

Let Us Care for your Family and Child's Health & Wellness

Meet our Team

Our team at Nexus TCM Clinic values both treatment and prevention for sustainable health. We use an integrative approach, combining Chinese Medicine with modern treatment practices to provide patients with holistic and natural solution for their ailments. Our physicians are experienced in their fields and are passionate about helping you achieve and maintain optimal health. We specialize in family and children's healthcare and are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate Chinese medical care in Singapore.

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Our Subspecialties

Our team of physicians have collective experience in a variety of conditions affecting the young and old.

Click to learn about how TCM helps with these conditions!

Contact Us


160 Owen Road
Singapore, 218953


+65 8081 8711

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

10:00 am – 8:00 pm

Sat & Sun

9:00 am – 7:00 pm

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